Unger Primary Care Concierge in Rancho Cucamonga, California
We put your family’s health and well-being first.
Welcome to Unger Primary Care Concierge
Dr. Unger always tells his patients, “I did not go to medical school to learn how to take care of runny noses. I went there to become efficient at diagnosing and treating the most complex of all medical problems.” Thus, Dr. Unger prides himself on managing patients with substance abuse disorder (alcohol, stimulants, benzos, hallucinogens, marijuana, opioids and fentanyl), type 1 and type 2 diabetes, bipolar disorder, Cushing’s disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic pain, headaches, bipolar disorder, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and obesity.
Interestingly, Dr. Unger also teaches family medicine to UC Riverside medical students. After his first day in the office with Dr. Unger in tow, our current student said, “Wow, I never knew that family doctors can fix all these patients!” The more challenging the problem the more enjoyment Dr. Unger gets from helping that individual.
During his residency program, Dr. Unger was always challenged to come up with a differential diagnosis for every patient evaluated in the hospital. Just because you know that a patient has appendicitis, we were always asked, “OK, we know what the patient has, but what else could be causing this patient’s abdominal discomfort?”
Dr. Unger was also taught the art of listening and physically examining patients BEFORE ordering fancy tests or referring patients to other specialists. Thus, 95 % of all our patients are managed only by Dr. Unger.
Pictured: Dr. Unger, his wife Lisa and children.
News From Unger Primary Care
Dr. Unger was the co-author for the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 2021 guidelines for the use of technology in patients with diabetes. (Grunberger G, Sherr J, Allende M, Blevins T, Bode B, Handelsman Y, Hellman R, Lajara R, Roberts VL, Rodbard D, Stec C, Unger J. AACE Guideline. American Association of Clinical Endocrinology Clinical Practice Guideline: The Use Of Advanced Technology in the management of persons with diabetes Mellitus. Endocrine Practice. 2021. 27. 505-537)
Dr. Unger was the lead investigator for the Lira Prime Global clinical trial which evaluated the efficacy of using liraglutide in patients with diabetes within the primary care setting worldwide. (Unger J, Allison DC, Kaloft M, Lakkhole K, Panda JK, Ramesh C, Sargin M, Smolyarchuk E, Twine M, Wolthers B, Yarimbas G, Zoghbi M. The Lira Prime Investigators. Maintenance of glycaemic control with liraglutide versus oral antidiabetic drugs as add-on therapies in patients with type 2 diabetes uncontrolled with metformin alone: A randomized clinical trial in primary care (LIRA-PRIME). Diabgetes Obes Metab. Published 10/18/21. DOI:10:1111/dom.14566)
In 2021, Dr. Unger lectured 90 times on topics related to diabetes and migraine. He has written continuing education programs on migraine, advanced diabetes care, hospice care for patients with diabetes, technological advances for patients with diabetes, and management of diabetic kidney disease for the American Diabetes Association, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Pri-Med and NACE.
Why Choose Dr. Unger for your Comprehensive Medical Care?
Dr. Unger is a 3rd generation physician who has 37 years of experience managing patients within the primary care setting. Dr. Unger has some unique attributes including:
Author of 3 medical textbooks on Diabetes and 1 on migraine headaches
Has published over 160 peer-reviewed medical journal manuscripts on diabetes, migraine and behavioral medicine
Dr. Unger has participated in over 150 clinical trials and has been the lead investigator for a global trial (Lira-Prime). He continues to refer qualifying patients to his clinical trials site in Montclair, CA.
Dr. Unger has been the physician for several professional sports teams including the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim baseball club and the World Wrestling Federation.
Dr. Unger was named as “Father of the Year” by the American Diabetes Association in 2009
Dr. Unger lectures internationally to other physicians on topics related to diabetes and migraine
Although Dr. Unger utilizes the most advanced drugs and technology for treating patients with diabetes (including integrated insulin pumps and continuous glucose sensors) he REFUSES to utilize electronic medical records (EMR). We believe that comprehensive individualized care is predicated on speaking, listening and examining all our patients. Inputting data into a computer while patients are being interviewed is strictly prohibited in our office.
Dr. Unger was named Family Physician of the Year for the Inland Empire in 2018
We have limited our practice to just 200 patients. Most family physicians have a patient panel of over 2000. Each patient has rapid access to Dr. Unger via cell phone text messaging, phone calls and telemedicine visits.
Concierge Medicine Specialists in Chronic, Complex Disease States
We are experts in caring for those who need more than typical coverage provides. Unger Primary Care Concierge has a distinguished record in being a leader in diabetes, metabolic diseases and endocrinology. This means we are concierge medicine specialists in chronic, complex disease states. The scope of our expertise is vast, but the universal attitude we apply is one of caring for the patient above and beyond the boundaries of an office visit. We offer convenience, compassion and comprehensive management of your course of treatment.
Comprehensive Family Medicine
Our areas of greatest experience include, but aren’t limited to, chronic disease states such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, clinical obesity, binge eating disorders, opioid dependency, heroin and alcohol addiction, mental illness, migraine and chronic headache, and comprehensive family medicine. We provide this legacy of excellence to all our patients and access to clinical trials to select patients.